Modification of Divorce
Modification of Divorce
Modification of Divorce
After an initial timesharing determination is made, the Court can consider modifying the same based upon a showing of a substantial, material change of circumstances. The Court can also modify child support based upon a change in circumstances including changes in income and/or changes in the timesharing schedule. There are even circumstances where child support modifications can be backdated if a parent fails to honor the timesharing schedule leaving the majority of financial responsibility on the other parent.
Rather, you must first show a substantial change of circumstances. Section 61.13, Florida Statutes, specifically states: “A determination of parental responsibility, a parenting plan, or a time-sharing schedule may not be modified without a showing of a substantial and material change in circumstances and a determination that the modification is in the best interests of the child.”
There are three critical words:
As to “substantial” and “material,” your judge’s definition of these terms are very important. As the Florida Supreme Court stated, the trial court’s determination on what changes are substantial and material carry a lot of weight in the final determination on whether the court can then consider the best interest of your child.
However, what we do know is that before you decide you want to change time-sharing, you need to have a lot more evidence than simply believing that your child will be better off. Some instances where I can envision a substantial change in circumstances would include a parent that develops an addiction problem, enters into an abusive relationship where the child is exposed to the abuse, or where the parent continuously interferes with the other parent’s time-sharing. These are substantial, material to the child, and were unanticipated.
If you believe things have changed in your situation warranting a modification, feel free to contact the office to schedule a free consultation.